Admissions for local and expat families opening April 1st 2025

We are looking forward to welcoming YOU!

Admissions opens April 1st – April 15th. Tours and interviews will be held after the 15th of April. Our updated admissions information including our new calendar and tuition information for 2025-2026 will be uploaded in March.

Please contact us if you have any questions about our school and admissions



Admissions for US Diplomatic Embassy Families and US Military Families and other Country Diplomatic Families are OPEN at any time. Please contact us directly!

We look forward to welcoming you!

Please contact us directly if you have any questions about our admissions

Children must be of age by August 31st of each year


Admission Procedure

Applications will be accepted from the local community from

Please read about our admission policy, tuition information and check our yearly calendar before you submit your application.



Use the form below to submit your application. There is no application fee.

After April 15th, interviews and tours will be held with prospective families. NO tour or interview will be held before this date.

Once all tours and interviews are conducted, available seats will be allocated by offer by email.

If your application is successful, a full vaccination record, an approved pick-up person form, a photo permission form, and Liability Documents must be submitted to complete your enrollment.

At this time, a registration fee is required by local community applicants.

Information on our classes can be found on our About Us page.

Available seats are very limited each year, please be sure to make your application on time.

Please complete this admission inquiry form

Thank you 

Applications close April 15th at 5pm Japan Time


i.e. 3yrs and 8 months will be 3.8
Please specify what allergies your child has or may have (if not yet confirmed by a medical practitioner).