The classes are divided into 3 main groups. Students will be assigned a class within the age group.

Depending upon the weekly enrollments students may be assigned to the closest age group as possible to allow maximum enrollment, meaning they might go up a level if we dont have space in the younger groups.

Generally, children’s birthdate will determine class assignment.

Children must turn of age by June 1st, 2023


Ratio’s will be maintained at all times.


Depending upon the number of enrollments Panthers may be split into Panthers and Panther Cubs. Panther Cubs will be from 3-4yrs of age, and Panthers will be from 4-6yrs of age. We will let you know closer to the start of camp if the class will be split.

Dragons will be split into

Ice Dragons will be from 6-8years of age, and Fire Dragons will be from 9-12years of age.


Although discouraged, you may pick up and drop off your child according to your own schedule as necessary. Please let the class teachers know in advance.